If you haven't noticed the pacing of this blog has changed a little bit. I have grown up alot and my values have changed a good bit since my old content. I still thoroughly plan on telling the rest of my stories eventually, but much more spaced out than I originally planned. What can I say its been a while but I did say I was a chronic procrastinator. Hope you enjoy.
The depths of ones imagination only go as far as said person will allow it to. Considering yourself different among the masses, feeling like you have something that everyone else does is not an uncommon feeling. Realistically, every single person has that same feeling. Humans as a whole are selfish creatures. We try to separate ourselves from one another whether it be through our goals or our hobbies, our tastes in music or our like or dislike of certain lifestyles. Its hard for some of the sheep to come to terms with the fact that no matter how hard you try to fight against conformity, no matter how much you struggle to make yourself an individual via the clothes you wear, or the "posts" that you slather over social networking sites, or the scarf that you wear around your neck to make your self look more like the models in fashion magazines, or the angst y pictures that you take for Instagram hoping that someone will notice you for the REAL artist that you are, The bleak underlying fact that we are all just people trying to get through this world and be recognized for SOMETHING be it the worlds most notorious serial killer, or the worlds most vain diva. I myself am no different, I have my dreams and my goals just the same as everyone else however far fetched or lackluster they may be, they are all a means to an end just the same. I however have always fallen into the limelight category. I want people all over the world to know who I am. I want to create music that will catch the ears of people who are missing something in their lives. I want to write tales of such epic expanse that will ultimately leave their imagination reeling with an intoxication that they have yet to experience I want to be free to do as I please, and have the funds at my disposal to bring those less fortunate with me to experience the same. And as grand and as unique as all this may sound, It takes us right back to the beginning There is a large percentage of people who want these same things. We just happen to fall into the category of dreamers that wants to live higher and do bigger than is physically possible (which is painful to admit). We are all in the constant and endless pursuit of happiness What is true happiness you may ask? Well that question is a tad bit difficult to answer my friend. For example: I want to be famous and wealthy beyond my wildest dreams via composing music and writing story books. A good friend of mines Idea of happiness is to live alone in a log cabin in Tennessee with his dog, a shotgun, a radio, and access to enough hard liquor to finally drown New Orleans Although, his means to an end is not as common as my own among people I can literally guarantee that someone out there wants that same exact thing. Probability sucks sometimes. I guess what I'm getting at is people should just do whatever they want to do. Don't let anyone else tell you no because its not "socially acceptable", or because " You have to be mentally unstable to really believe that's going to work." Life is a struggle for us low men wallowing along with the masses and if you want to achieve any of your goals at all you cant have people telling you what you can and can't do. One of the best quotes I have ever heard goes a little something like this (I'm paraphrasing here of course) it made more sense to me than most things I hear nowadays. He said " Every truly successful person on the face of this planet got where they are not by accident, not dedication to upholding the rules that govern their craft. But by blatantly and outwardly shattering those very rules." You know what that says to me? Fuck those people. Fuck the naysayers and the rule makers and the spineless family members and bureaucrat's that tell you that you CAN'T do It because you aren't good enough or you'll never make it; because ultimately if you don't make it, it will be because you listened. You took what they had to say for fact and you through your own personal happiness to the wayside so you could fit in or be what they call "successful". If you want to do something that you think might assist you in your own personal pursuit of happiness then tie your ears down, lace up your shoes, dive headfirst into a big bowl of shut the fuck up and just DO IT ALREADY.
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