Monday, December 9, 2013

My Attempt at Poetry.

I can see it now.

The motivation, the drive, the push, the smoke, the effort, the friction from the heat from the grind on the street.

 All in the name of who? What? Them? Sure.

They watch and pull the strings that keep their little system pure.

But I can feel it now. The rising of the tide, the weeping of a bride,

the sadness of a child and the struggle of the working mans pride.

For a century now the majority slept with eyes wide shut BUT!

No longer, the information is all free and the masses they grow stronger.

 How could anyone just sit back and accept that a man is not anymore entitled to the sweat on his brow,

But a man in a suit is allowed to impose heavy taxes on the meat from a farmers cow.

The structure is a mess and  we are starving for a new direction

maybe some adjacent foreign country could put us through a “biological weapons inspection”.

 We seem to have forgotten that there is a higher capability in a truly equal society

and what I am about to propose might get some one up in the sky's eye on me.

Think about the future of when you have your first child,

what kind of life do you want for them,

will you keep sleeping and hide in denial.

Or will you open your eyes and breathe with me for the first time,

and shout at the ones responsible:


It's time for us to stand strong and take back the country that is meant to be ours.

Because lets face reality, there is 373.9 Million of us and 535 of them.

Who do you think would win in a fight on the street.

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